
Known by God...Confirmed by God

Proclamation proceeds demonstration

Faith in action/the past and the future walking together/old and young come together


Faith is taking the first step (Heb. 10:19-25)

All progressive issues gives us the tanacity to challenge the future issues.

If you never made mistakes then you have not learned anything.


Information, Inspiration and Involvement

Willingness is produced when you know who you are and you experience the power of God. Luke 14:33; Psl. 110:3


The Spiritual Laws

The Law of Increase

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Supply

The Law of Thinking

The Law of Receiving

The Law of Sacrifice

The Law of Compensation

The Law of Success

The Law of Forgiveness

The Law of Obedience

The Law of Non-resistence

Spiritual Instruction Essential (Deuteronomy 4:9)


What is the Big Lie?

The Big Lie has kept many from advancing...

What is the Big Lie?

Thoughts to Ponder

Be Fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion.

Before the fall of man, were we considered 'complete' in the way God created us to be?

Does Romans 10:10 make us 'complete' as referred to by in Genesis 1:28?
